Pray and Fast for the Summit

Pray and Fast for the Summit

In Paris from 30th November to 11th December 2015 the world’s scientists and politicians will be meeting to make long-reaching decisions about Climate Change and moving to a low-carbon future.

What is COP21?

France will be hosting and presiding the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, otherwise known as the Paris Summit. COP21 will be a crucial conference, as it needs to achieve a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.

Across the world faith communities have been raising their voices and concerns, especially the need to protect the most vulnerable communities and countries. (

The Church of England, Christian Aid, CAFOD and Tearfund have come together to organise a Pilgrimage to Paris ahead of these talks. Please pray for the pilgrims as they travel to Paris in an act of solidarity with those most affected by climate change. (

The Exeter Diocese is committed to the ‘Shrinking the Footprint’ campaign to seriously reduce carbon. Christians and others in Devon are invited to wear a green cross badge to demonstrate they care about God’s creation, about future generations and for those most threatened in our link Dioceses in Melanesia, Kenya and Cyprus and the Gulf. 

To read more:
