More climate protection for a resilient society
Bielefeld, November 19, 2020
The pandemic shows how vulnerable our coexistence is and how important resilient and sustainable societies are. It is precisely in this situation that we as Christians are challenged to live according to Dietrich Bonhoeffer's motto: “Pray, do what is just and wait for God's time”. To be close to God and people despite all distance requirements, to keep the question of the hope that sustains us open and to live and act from the power of the promise of the kingdom of God, so that a humane, environmentally friendly future becomes possible. This is what this is all about now.
The regional synod adopts the resolution of the EKD Synod 2020 “More climate protection for a resilient society” and asks the church leadership to work with those responsible in the federal government, the federal states and the parties to ensure that
• An ambitious EU climate protection program with a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2030 (based on 1990) is adopted within the German EU Council Presidency.
• Accordingly, ambitious climate targets with a CO2 reduction of 65% in 2030 (based on 1990) and climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest will be implemented promptly in Germany.
Read the full text of the decision here (in German)